Here is your Road Block challenge for Week 1. Only ONE team member needs to complete this challenge. Remember to post your completion on this post and add your team name.
If you forgot to add a team name to your sign up, send us an email at and we will add it to your team.

Team - Long Distance Fitness Friends
Stopped to smell the lilacs on a trail walk in Red Deer
Got creative with our outdoor workout this weekend! Loaded and unloaded a few truck fulls of wood! Team Jess Squared!
Since it was so hot, I took the opportunity to do some water aerobic while enjoying the refreshing pool. Team The Amazing Ls.
Finishing my trail walk. Team Making A Run For It, week 1
Protectors of Wellness
Started off the day with a sunrise walk around Victoria Park as an extension of the #CAMHSunriseChallenge from last week and finished it off by testing out their outdoor gym.
Team Scrambled Legs and Achin': Outdoor Cycle 😊