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Here is your Road Block challenge for Week 4. Only 1 team member needs to complete this challenge. Remember to post your completion on this post and add your team name.

Voici votre défi Barrage Routier pour la semaine 4. Un seul membre de l'équipe doit relever ce défi. N'oubliez pas d'afficher votre réussite sur ce site et d'ajouter le nom de votre équipe.

Protectors of Wellness!
For team Making a Run For it -- this was a walk several times around Love Pond at One York
Team: Scrambled Legs and Achin
I didn't manage my original heart shaped walk and then the second attempt was a REALLY wonky heart... so I improvised LOL
Deb and i walked a heart shape just a few block away from where we live. It was fun.
Team Demolition Crew here! Kurt Cobain himself would be jealous of our Heart-Shaped Walks
Team: Long Distance Fitness Friends
@Sherry King