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Are you up for the challenge?
Challenge starts May 6 and runs 4 weeks until May 31!

Specialty Skills Spring Challenge

High Five after Workout

The challenge is open to Special Skills team members and is a place to get motivated, find and share routes, and have some fun!  


The challenge is simple - be active, record the activity, and have fun... plus a little bit of competition!

What is the Challenge?

Be as active as possible from May 6 - May 31.  That means getting out and moving!  You can challenge yourself to getting in a distance or step number, but the goal is the same - get in as many active sessions as possible. 

What and how can you win?

The top 3 people, who have the MOST activity in the month will win Applause Points!

How can you Track

You will download this excel worksheet.  Track your activity by inputting the date, type of activity, and the length of the activity.  Each week you will submit the sheet and we will update the leader board here and share an update!  There are no limits on activity - so get moving and be a little bit competitive with your team.  


You can also Join the Strava Club - track distances and exercises on your device and encourage your team mates! Please note - you must access Strava on your personal computer or via the Strava App on your smart phone.  Sun Life computers do not allow access to employees. 


To join the Strava Club: go to, create an account and search under groups "Special Skills Challenge" and request to join the challenge!  An admin will approve you.

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Sun Life Activity Challengewalsking.png

What is Strava?

Strava is a free app that you can use to track your steps, distance, etc., while also sharing those results with the club.

To track your results, you can connect your wearable device or you can use the Strava app itself - just hit record and tuck it in your pocket!

CLICK HERE to learn more about Strava.

Please note - you must access Strava on your personal computer or via the Strava App on your smart phone.  Sun Life computers do not allow access to employees. 

To join the Strava Club: go to, create an account and search under groups "Special Skills Challenge" and request to join the challenge!  An admin will approve you.


  1. Helen - 14+12 = 26

  2. Mallory - 8+9+8+6= 31

  3. Lorraine - 10+7+6=23

  4. Lori - 6+4+5+8= 23

  5. Deanne - 3+4 = 7

  6. Andrew - 5

  7. Jessica

Submit your weekly excel sheet!
Upload Excel Document

NICE work, keep moving!

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Waterloo (Ont.)

N2A 4J5

(519) 742-8401

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Heures d'ouverture du centre myFitness

Lundi vendredi

6h00 - 20h00


Samedi Dimanche


Heures supervisées

myFitness Center sera supervisé par le personnel :

Lundi vendredi

7h00 - 15h00

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